Praxis3D material combiner


A small GUI utility application that combines multiple material maps into one, a format used by the Praxis3D game engine. It loads Roughness, Metallic, Height, Ambient occlusion maps and exports a single RMHAO map (different property material color in each RGBA channel).


  • Windows platform, x64 bit, C++17
  • GUI written in Microsoft C++/CLI
  • Supports TIFF, TGA (TARGA), PNG, BMP, JPG formats
  • Single channel or averaged multi-channel color input
  • Normal or inverted output color channel

Detailed description:

GUI - Microsoft C++/CLI is used for graphical user interface. A new thread is spawned for converting, to not freeze the main window. The progress of convertion is reported via the status bar and all calls to the GUI from a different thread are made using invocations, to be thread-safe.

Formats - Supports .tif, .tiff, .tga, .targa, .png, .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg file extensions. Output material image format is determined by the output filename extension.

Color channels - Either a single channel or a calculated average of multi-channel (RGB) color can be used from input materials. Output color channel can also be inverted (for instance, when using roughness map vs smoothness map).
